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Complaint Process

Complaints related to content, procedures, or policies of Scienceline Publication or our editorial staff, may provide an opportunity and will definitely help us to improve the standard of our services. Our editors will respond quickly, courteously, and constructively to any complaint according to the following procedure.

Making a complaint

Complaints should be directly emailed to journals' official emails or administrator[at]science-line.com, and our complaints team (relevant member of the editorial team) will deal with them confidentially even if they cannot be resolved.

• In the case that the initial response is felt to be insufficient, the complainant can request that their complaint is escalated to a more senior member of the team.
• If the complainant remains unhappy, complaints may be escalated to the journal's editor-in-chief (EiC), for a final decision.
• If a complainant remains unhappy after what EiC considers a definitive reply, the complainant may complain to an external body.

Complaints that are not under the control of the journals' editorial staff, will be sent to the relevant heads of departments within Scienceline Publication (Leadership Team).

Complaints sent to Scienceline's chairman or chief executive officer will usually be referred to the EiC not directly to the authors.

Complaint timeframes

• All complaints will be formally acknowledged within three working days.
• If possible a full or interim response will be made within two weeks. Further interim responses will be provided until the complaint is resolved.


Related links

Publication Ethics

Peer review Process


Open Access

Authorship and Authors' Responsibilities


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