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Volume 6 (4); July 25, 2016 [Booklet]

Research Paper

Effects of exogenous recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) on hematological indices of Kundhi buffalo male calves.

Khuhro AP, Soomro SA, Kaka NA, Khuhro RP, Siyal FA, Bhutto ZA, Arain MA, Saeed M, Soomro RN and Brohi SA.

Online J. Anim. Feed Res., 6(4): 83-89, 2016; pii: S222877011600011-6


The aim of present research was assessment of the rbST effects on hematological indices and also its optimum safe dose in kundhi buffalo male calves for beef production. The calves were divided into three groups, with or without rbST treatment. The rbST administered intramuscularly during fortnight, for eleven weeks with an interval of two weeks. Then blood samples were collected at the end of eleven weeks for analysis. In comparison with group A and B, red blood cells count, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, platelets count and mean corpuscular volume indices were significantly (P<0.05) higher. There was no significant effect on mean corpuscular hemoglobin, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and packed cell volume. The white blood cells in rbST treated groups (P<0.05) increased, and this increase was attributed due to increase in neutrophil number. However, there was non-significant effect of rbST on eosinophils, basophils, monocytes and lymphocytes between all groups. It was concluded from outcomes that rbST produced dose dependent effect on hematological values in kundi buffaloe calves and no adversely higher values were observed that determine polycethemia or leukocytosis. It is therefore suggested that rbST can be used at the dose rate of 1mg/kg b.w. as growth promoter in Kundhi buffaloe calves.  
Keywords: rbST, Hematology, Hematological, Polycethemia, Leukocytosis, Kundhi Buffalo, Calves. 

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Research Paper

Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Reproductive Traits of Fogera and Holstein Friesian Crossbred Cattle at Metekel Ranch, Amhara Region, Ethiopia.

Zeleke. B, Kebede K, and Banerjee A.K.

Online J. Anim. Feed Res., 6(4): 90-95, 2016; pii: S222877011600012-6


The study was carried out at Metekel ranch, Amhara region, Ethiopia, with the objective of estimating genetic parameters for reproductive traits of Fogera and Holstein Friesian crossbreed cattle. The data used in the study included pedigree records and reproductive performance records of animals born from 1990 to 2012.The parameters were estimated by using Variance Component Estimation (VCE 6.0) software. Four models were used Viz. Model1: Y= Xb+Z1a + e; Model2:Y=Xb+Z1a+Z3c + e; Model3: Y=Xb+Z1a+Z2m+ e; cov a,m=0 and Model4: Y= Xb + Z1a + Z2m+ Z3c + e; cov a, m=0.Traits like Gestation Length (GL), Calving Interval (CI) and Days Open(DO) were estimated using model2 and 4 which fit permanent environmental effect due to repeated records per cow. Whereas, age at first service (AFS) and age at first calving (AFC) were estimated using model 1, 3, and 4. Estimates of direct heritability of the studied traits ranged from 0.01±0.05 for DO to 0.26±0.21 for AFS, besides high error variance was observed. The phenotypic correlations between traits ranged: 0.33 to 0.99 between CI and DO and GL and DO respectively. And genetic correlations ranged from -1.0 to 1.0 between GL and CI between CI and DO respectively. The result in this study indicates there were low heritability estimates high environmental variances which imply selection based on phenotypic performance of animals was unlikely to bring genetic progress in the studied herd because of the low estimate of heritability of the trait. Besides, The result showed there was moderate to high correlation that indicated selection for one trait will affect the correlated traits. Thus, selection method, in addition to individual records, should incorporate pedigree and progeny information in the form of an index to get optimum genetic progress in the studied population. In addition, selection for any particular trait(s) must be carried out with caution as it could have an adverse effect due to correlated response on the correlated traits.
Keywords: Correlation, Crossbred, Economic traits, Fogera and Holstein Friesian, Genetic parameter, Heritability, Metekel ranch, Reproductive trait

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