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Volume 5 (3); May 25, 2015 [Booklet]

broilersResearch Paper

Influence of supplemented whey on growth performance and internal organs percentages of broiler chickens.

Malik H E.E., Elamin K.M., Abdalla S.A. and Dousa B.M.

Online J. Anim. Feed Res., 5(3): 68-73, 2015; pii: S222877011500011-5


An experiment was conducted with hundred and sixty, one day old unsexed broilers to investigate the effects of whey protein on growth performance and internal organs percentage. Four dietary treatments, each consisting of 4 replicates. Diets were control with 0% whey protein (diet A) and whey protein was added at 2, 4 and 6% (B, C and D respectively). Traits studied were feed consumption, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, internal organs percentage and dressing percentage. Results revealed that no differences were found in feed consumption, weight gain and dressing percentage among the four treatments, a lower feed conversion ratio was observed in week 5 with control group. There was no effect of whey protein on internal organs except the intestine, abdominal fat and gizzard percentages were significantly (P < 0.05) affected by the treatment.  Chicks in treated groups reported high estimates of intestine and gizzard than control group. On the other hand, the lowest estimates of abdominal fat were observed by groups A and C. It concluded that up to 6% of whey protein can be incorporated in broilers ration because it’s cheaper source of proteins and economically more profitable than control diet. The dietary whey protein seems acceptable and palatable to the birds.
Keywords: Animal Protein, Broilers, Performance.

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Research Paper

Topographic characteristics of the lymph nodes of the dromedary (Camelus Dromedarius).

Gavrylin P., Rahmoun D.E., Lieshchova M.

Online J. Anim. Feed Res., 5(3): 74-77, 2015; pii: S222877011500012-5


The architecture of the lymph node dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) differs from that shown in the conventional patterns of other mammalian animals, generally formed of a plurality of aggregates, the latter are surrounded by a connective tissue which extends over the whole area surface lymph node and each cluster is a node itself. Vascular distribution in these lymphoid aggregates is relatively abundant and each node receives one or two afferent lymphatic’s and is drained by four or five efferent lymphatics. In approximately half of nodes examined, there was extra nodal communications between the lymphatic vessels (afferent and efferent), allowing to bypass the lymph node. Lymph nodes are characterized by their dromedary lobule appearance and size. This lobulated appearance is acquired with age. Indeed in a camel one day we noticed that although the lymph nodes are large, but rather the lobulation is not clear. All forms are possible was lymph nodes ovoid, flattened, elongated, notched, triangular or rounded in some cases.
Keywords: Lymph Nodes, Lymphoid Aggregates, Dromedary, Lobule.

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broiler22Research Paper

Performance and nutrient utilization of broilers fed malted sorghum sprout (msp) or wheat-offal based diets supplemented with yeast culture and enzyme.

Oke F.O., Fafiolu A.O., Jegede A.V., Oduguwa O.O., Adeoye S.A., Olorunisola R.A., Oso A.A., Onasanya G.O., Adedire A.O., Muhammed A.I.

Online J. Anim. Feed Res., 5(3): 78-84, 2015; pii: S222877011500013-5


An experiment was conducted on a total of two hundred and forty day- old, unsexed Marshal Broiler chickens which were randomly allotted to 8 dietary treatment groups of 30birds each. Each treatment group was replicated 3 times with 10 birds per replicate. The experiment was a 2×4 factorial consisting of two test ingredients (MSP and wheat offal) at 4 levels (0 g kg-1 yeast and enzyme, + 0.01 gkg-1 yeast and enzyme, +0.013 gkg-1 yeast, +0.01 gkg-1 enzyme). At the end of the trial, the effect of MSP and wheat offal with 0.01g/kg-1yeast and those on 0.01 g/kg-1 yeast + 0.01 g/kg-1 enzyme inclusion showed a significant effect (P<0.05) for final live weight, weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio and fibre retention. Broiler starter Chickens fed MSP diets had lower (P<0.05) final live weight, weight gain, feed intake and fibre retention than those fed wheat offal based diets irrespective of the additives. However, finishing broilers fed wheat offal diet supplemented  with 0.01 g/kg-1 yeast and those on 0.01 g/kg-1 yeast + 0.01 g/kg-1 enzyme recorded a higher (P<0.05) final live weight, weight gain, protein retention and NDF retention than MSP diets. Conclusively, Inclusion of yeast + Enzyme improved protein retention, fat and fibre digestibility. The combination of yeast and Roxazyme enzyme improved the utilization of wheat offal (w/o) and Malted sorghum sprout (MSP) based diets by broiler chickens. It is therefore recommended that MSP supplementation with yeast + enzyme or enzyme singly could be used to improve Livestock rations for better performance.
Keywords: Nutrition, Performance, Broiler, Malted Sorghum Sprout.

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Research Paper

Survey of protozoa parasites infestation of Synodintis schall collected from Jabel Awlia dam reservoir at Khartoum state.

Mohamed Ahmed F.A., Yusuf Mohamed A.H., Haroon Ahmed TH.H., Abd-Alkhaier Suleiman H.M., Mohamed A.A., Krpos Kolia W.S., Mohammed Salih R.R., Alamien Babiker A.M.

Online J. Anim. Feed Res., 5(3): 85-89, 2015; pii: S222877011500014-5


The main target of the present research to conduct a survey of protozoan parasitic infestation in (Synodontis schall) collected from natural environment, study also aimed to identify the protozoan parasite of high parasitic load. 69 samples of fish were examined, 38 male and 31 female on the region of the label Awlia reservoir in the White Nile represented in (Synodontis schall) which is one of most consumed species in Khartoum state. This study was conducted in Sudan University of Science and Technology College of Animal Production Science and Technology, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Science in the period from beginning of April to June 2014. The study revealed that the Haemogregarines was most common parasite obtained in this study with high prevalence rate followed by Trichodina sp, Chilodenella sp, Ich sp, in skin and gill of the mentioned fish as external protozoa. Indoparasite include Hexamita sp., Myxobolus sp., Cryptobia sp., Ichthyobodo sp., and Hennguya sp. Most found in the blood, gonad, liver and kidney respectively as internal parasite. The finding of this study showed prevalence rate of parasite in fish sample examined from skin and gill has high prevalence rate in male than female of studied fish. Also prevalence rate of parasite from internal organ has high prevalence rate of parasite in male than female of the fish study. All the result was analysis by SPSS version 16 by using t-test and the prevalence and means abundance of parasite represent by tables.
Keywords: Parasites, Protozoa, Prevalence, Synodontis Schall.

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indo_cattleResearch Paper

Profit analysis of traditional beef cattle farm in Minahasa regency, Indonesia.

Dalie S., Wantasen E., Anis S. and Pangemanan S.P.

Online J. Anim. Feed Res., 5(3): 90-94, 2015; pii: S222877011500015-5

A traditional beef cattle farm agribusiness needs the development in farmer’s way of   thinking, from production for family or market need, to production for higher profit, and this could be achieved by adapting the economic principles. The objective of this study was to find out business information for profitable business. This study was carried out on beef cattle farmers group in Kanonang III Village, Kawangkoan District, Minahasa Regency. Results showed that raising 10 beef cattles resulted in the Net Present Value  at the DF of 25 % as much as IDR 18,788,330.00, Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C) at the DF of 25 % as much  as 1.26, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) as much as 34.21 %, and Break Even Point (BEP) with 6 cattles. It could be concluded that the number of 10 cattles in Kanonang III Village, Kawangkoan District, Minahasa Regency, is suitable for production, with BEP achieved at the raising of 6 beef cattles. Therefore it was recommended that beef cattle farmer in Minahasa Regency should raise more than 6 cattles in order to be able to gain some profit.
Keywords: Profitability, Break Even Point (BEP), Beef Cattle.

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