Volume 10, Issue 6: 210-215; September 25, 2020
1 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
2 Faculty of Agriculture, Widyagama University, Malang, Indonesia
Supporting Information
ABSTRACT: Sugarcane is used by its stems as the main raw material for sugar. In addition to improving soil
structure, soil organic matter also supplies soil nutrients, especially Nitrogen, Phosphor and Sulfur, increases soil
aggregate stability, increases groundwater holding capacity and increases soil recoverability. To overcome this
problem, the use of RIM microorganism (refresh microorganism) technology in sugarcane fields needs to be
done to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers which will ultimately lead to the realization of the application of
organic farming systems in sugarcane cultivation. The purpose of this study was to study the effect of different
dosage applications of RIM and various sources of organic matter on the growth and yield of sugarcane. This
research consisted of two stages, namely in the greenhouse and in the field, namely (1) testing the growth of
bud chip sugarcane seedlings using different growth media and microorganism technology (2) testing the effect
of RIM applications and organic matter on the growth and yield of sugarcane. The use of RIM's Biological Agents
by using Tricho derma, Sacharomyces, Bacillus, Rhizobium, Azotobacter and Pseudomonas bacteria was able to
increase the growth of sugarcane buds. The combination of using RIM and manure can increase the number of
leaves and the percentage of growing sugarcane.
Keywords: Beneficial microorganism, Organic Material. RIM's Biological Agent, Sugarcane.
Sugarcane (Sacharum officinarum L.) is a plant in the Graminae family which is used by its stems as the main raw
material for sugar, as well as animal feed. Along with the development of the population, Indonesia has not been able to
meet the national sugar needs. This is evidenced by the decline in sugarcane productivity in 2017 which only reached 5.4
tonnes/ha compared to the 2016 projection of 7.75 tonnes/ha (Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2018). The low
productivity of sugarcane, followed by an increase in sugar consumption, makes Indonesia have to import sugar from
abroad. Domestic sugar needs are mostly met from imported sugar in the form of raw sugar and crystal sugar, even in
2018 it was reported that National sugar production only reached 2.1 million tons per year, while the need for
consumption and refined sugar reached 6.8 million tons.
The low sugarcane production can be seen from the on-farm side, including the low soil fertility caused by the low
content of organic matter in the soil. Soil organic matter has biological, physical and chemical functions of soil which are
mutually bound to one another. Soil organic matter in addition to providing nutrients for soil microbial activity, nutrients
used by microorganisms are useful for accelerating their activity in order to increase the rate of decomposition of organic
matter and release of nutrients (Sutanto, 2016). It was stated that that drought on the soil will result in reduced
chlorophyll a,b content, the ratio of chlorophyll a,b decreases physiological activity and will reduce sugarcane plant growth
and sugar productivity (Ferreira et al., 2017). Further, it was determined( that about 60% of rice fields in Java show less
than 1% organic matter, meanwhile for the agricultural system to be sustainable, it must have organic matter greater
than 2%. Rhizhobacterium was able to increase the growth and photosynthesis of sugarcane plants (Rampazzo et al.,
Dependence on chemical fertilizers causes chemical fertilizer subsidies to increase every year. The environmental
burden caused by the continuous use of chemical fertilizers in high doses is increasingly closing the soil pores, so that the
addition, the continuous use of chemical fertilizers causes the soil to become hard so that crop production, especially
sugar cane, is getting smaller with a low yield of sugar. To overcome this problem, the use of microorganisms in
sugarcane fields needs to be done to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers which will eventually lead to the realization of
the application of organic farming systems in sugarcane cultivation. Microorganism technology engineering is expected to
improve soil fertility so that it will increase the production and yield of sugarcane.
The current research purposes were 1) study the effect of different application of RIM dosages and various sources
of organic matter on soil fertility and sugarcane crops; 2) Studying the effect of RIM and the dosage of organic matter on
the growth and yield of sugarcane. The research outputs to be achieved are: (a) publication in national or international
seminar proceedings, and (b) technology package for organic sugarcane cultivation.
Citation: Sudiarso and Prihandarini R (2020). Study of the utilization of rim (refresh microorganism) in sugarcane. Online J. Anim. Feed Res., 10(5): 210-215.