Volume 10, Issue 3: 140-143; May 27, 2020
ISSN 2228-7701
Mohammed Nuru1 and Mohammed Yasin2
1Socioeconomics associate researcher; Afar Pastoral and Agropastoral Research Institute, APARI, Ethiopia
2Animal production lecturer; Wollo University, Ethiopia
Email: mnuru2000i@yahoomail.com
Supporting Information
ABSTRACT: The causes for low productivity of sheep and goat include poor veterinary services, inadequate
quantity and quality of feed. Among these limiting factors, poor feed supply and feeding system is the most
important. The objectives of this project were to demonstrate and evaluate Urea Molasses Multi-Nutrient Blocks
(UMMNB) and concentrates mix feed technologies in participatory manner through Pastoralist Research Group
(PRG) approach and look in to the perception and opinions of agro-pastoralist to the new feed and feeding
the PRG members, 6 trial agro-
The PRG has 25 members and was established a year ago. Among
pastoralists were selected by the PRG members purposefully to implement the experiment.
A total of 36 small
ruminants (sheep and goat) were used for the trial. Training on UMMB preparation, formulation of concentrate
feed, animal management and data collection were given for PRG members and Development Agents (DAs). The
demonstration and evaluation trial were lasts for 4 months data collection period. Data were collected by the trial
PRG agro-pastoralist throughout the trial period with close follow up of DAs and woreda experts. For data analysis
purpose the researchers used descriptive statistics. The results showed that the final body weight and daily body
weight gain was higher in grazing when supplemented with concentrates mix (Treatment 3) in compared to
grazing + urea molasses block supplementation (T2) and control one/free grazing (T1). The partial budget
analysis also indicated that small ruminant daily weight gain for 4 months with supplementation of concentrate
mix supplemented groups (T3) was found to give on average economic return of 250 Ethiopian Birr (ETB) or 6.70
Euro per head. From this study, it can be concluded that the supplementation concentrate mix for small
ruminants (sheep and goat) has better weight gain and economically feasible for the chifera district PRG
established in 2017. It was also economical at PRG level, with average gross profit of 250 ETB per head in chifera
area. Because of this, so money agro-pastoralists has been attracted by the business and engaged in small
ruminant fattening practices by purchasing animals from market place without external advice and support.
Key words: Small ruminant,
Feed technology, Pastoralist research group
Urea molasses block,
Sheep and goats, with their small body size, high reproductive capacity and rapid growth rates are ideally suited to
production by resource-poor smallholders. They can be integrated into the overall production system, absorbing surplus
labor and consuming small amounts of otherwise unused feed. Despite a large population and the contribution of the
national and regional sheep and goat flock to the export earnings of the country Ethiopia in general and Afar region in
particular as well as the livelihoods of households in rural and semi urban areas, their productivity is very limited. The
causes for low productivity of sheep and goat are multifaceted and include poor veterinary services, inadequate quantity
and quality of feed. Among these limiting factors, poor feed supply and feeding system is the most important (Alemayehu,
Extensive sheep and goat production under the traditional communal grazing/ browsing system is widely practiced
in Afar region. Pasture, crop residues and browses are the main feed supply to sheep and goat in the region and such
types of feeds rarely satisfy the maintenance requirements of animals. Most of the available feeds are noted for their poor
feeding value in terms of protein and energy contents besides their low digestibility.) Some studies, reported that in semi-
arid and tropical ecosystems, the quality of forages decreases greatly during the dry season, leading to substantial weight
2012). This phenomenon requires the alleviation of nutrients deficiency in animals through implementing different feed
utilization strategies. Even though many studies were taken place on small ruminants in Ethiopia most of the technologies
were not transferred to end users and farmers. As a result, the small ruminant development in smallholder farms remains
unchanged. Hence there is a need to search for alternative technologies, which could improve the nutritive value of the
poor-quality feeds to enhance the production of small ruminant. There are different techniques that could improve the
Citation: Nuru M and Yasin M, (2020). Participatory evaluation of improved feed technologies to enhance small ruminant fattening on pastoralist research group (PRG)